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Pluto Expands for the Earth Signs,

Writer: OmaraiOmarai

A Sense of Perspective Beyond the Reasonable

by O. Roaring Feather and Soumya

Continuing in our exploration from the realm of Fire, we now step into the domain of Earth. In this series, we aim to take a closer look at the potential impacts of the Lord of Death entering the House of the Sky God for the first time in two and a half centuries on March 23rd, 2023.

Pluto has been steadily stepping through the earth sign of Capricorn since 2008, really emphasizing our collective and generational attention on dismantling and challenging the structures, systems, and centres of power our societies have evolved into. As the planet of death and rebirth reaches its final degrees of this sign, all bets are off. No stone unturned. The tent, despite its greatest efforts to remain erect, is coming down - whether we are ready for it or not. So perhaps, who better to look to for advice as we enter the final stages and the peak of this transition than the Earth Delegates themselves?

The world of earth is in constant transition between secure footing and soft, billowing canopies. It is often looked to as the world of the most consistency and stability (which isn't untrue or unfair), however, when our perspective of time is stretched out further we gain access to the magic of seasonal transition, physical aging and erosion, and even global tectonic shift. We are only here for a short time -- but even then we are still witnesses to the monolithic transmutations of the earthly realm. As Pluto makes its initial crossing into the sign of Aquarius in 2023, it demands expansion from the Magisters of Earth, initiating the responsibility of channelling inspiration into embodiment in our collective, daily lives. This transit of Pluto out of a sister-sign is one that will Guide the Bull, Test the Maiden, and Cleanse the Seagoat. All of this in due time of course as Pluto (Hades, or "Hidden" ) takes a great deal of time getting anywhere - but who better to be patient with the passing of time than the Earth Guardians?

Buried in the houses of Stability and Inertia,

Flora and Foundation grow with grace.

To see Movement and Magic within Stillness,

Is to be Embraced by the very Darkness you face.

TAURUS - the Virile One in the House of Designed Heart

As an Earth sign, there is both a comfort to the earth shifting beneath your feet and a radical discomfort from knowing there is always the possibility of the earth swallowing you up whole. You have been experiencing a profound transformation of what you believe to be true - about the world, the institutions around you, and your (and others’) belief systems and constructs that often run on autopilot. This has been a time of seeking depth and wisdom and finding it through visceral experiences and interactions, as opposed to solo quests in strictly intellectual studies. You have been called to really feel what it means to know how you view the world through your eyes, beliefs, and truths. This time has been preparing you to step into your role on this Earth. It has challenged and stressed the importance of finding alignment within yourself so that when you do - and you will - step into your destined role in your life, you will also feel the Earth’s supportive alignment flowing through you. You have been clearing and aligning your connection to your purpose and you are on the edge of stepping into a phase where you decide how the rest of your life unfolds. Don’t take shortcuts. Don’t get discouraged. Consciously choose the mountain you are going to climb for the next few years because you’ll be working at it for a while.

We acknowledge Taurus for...its dedication to the magic of slow, intentional growth and seeing beauty where others may see hardship.

We want to remind Taurus that...the experiential knowledge you embody is how you are teaching everyone who comes across your path.

VIRGO - the Immaculate One in the House of Inevitable Grip

A little bit of relief may be coming your way in the new phase you are entering. The truth is that you’ve been working really hard on all of the little details, even when the little details might not have wanted to be “worked on”, and there can be a great deal of frustration that builds over time when that is the case. You are arriving at the horizon of being able to look at all the little details of your life and actually get to see, feel and experience the little efforts and adjustments sparking massive transformation and change. Be careful what you wish for. Especially since this last major phase has transformed how you look at the small details of your life from the perspectives of how you express yourself and how and where you find joy. The role of love and romantic affairs has also morphed in how you understand the truth of how you want to feel and be seen in your life. It is entirely possible that you’ve reimagined how you find amusement in your life and how you engage in activities that bring more creativity and passion into your life – in all those little ways that you are sensitive to. Relationships – to others, to your image, to your voice, to your expression, to your passions – have played a critical role in your transformation journey so far, and now you arrive at this new phase with a completely new understanding of what you want to make time and space for in your life. Embrace the uniqueness you have found in yourself as you enter this next phase of rebuilding and reassessing what you make time for and what you let go.

We see Virgo...rooted in a commitment to personal growth, led by the light of hope.

We honour Virgo...for the work they have done, and acknowledge that there is always a new horizon to chase.

CAPRICORN - the Determined One in the House of Oceanic Berth

Oh, Capricorn. How are you feeling?? The transformation journey you have been on, particularly potent in these last few years, has invited enough change into your life that you are either feeling immense rigidity, as if you have been clenching your jaw or tensing your shoulders for a lifetime, or when you stop and look at your life you hardly recognize the person you are now standing here as. The initiation that this last phase of time in your life has bestowed upon you could be considered the greatest, deepest and most personal rebirth and recalibration that you may ever experience in this life. You have just been through a phase of destroying, reconstructing and reshaping many and potentially every aspect of your personality and how you understand yourself since 2008. It could serve you very well (even more so than the other signs) to consider how much you have changed over this period because the aspect of you that has been most challenged and demanded to change is your core understanding of identity. This shift beginning next year will invite deeper transformation as well, now that the way you move about the world has ultimately changed in some way. If you try to hold onto what is no longer serving you, what is trying to leave your life, what is no longer for you, you will be met with great resistance and frustrations of delaying the gifts of what is coming to you. Remember that everything comes and starts from our core. Trust that your inner knowing, desires and passions (even if they feel contradictory to what your external world might suggest or enforce on you) are your new guiding torch for your journey ahead. You made it.

We look to Capricorn...for an understanding of truth and for examples of mastery and patience in the pursuit of purpose.

We remind Capricorn...that change is inevitable. New boons will grow from freshly turned soil.

Earth is not only present all around us, but everyone innately has some connection to the Earth simply by being here. We are held without having to ask. There is air to breathe due to the natural processes of the plants and other beings around us without us having to direct any thought or attention to it. Our bodies withstand, adapt, and react to our physical, energetic, and emotional needs constantly without much more than milliseconds of involuntary responses. As the Earth signs feel the gravitational shift of Pluto moving from Earth into Air, we hope these notes provide some grounding thoughts for how to plant your feet consciously and with care, as you may be leading the way for all of us!

As the story of Pluto's epic transit begins to unfold, we want to direct you toward our inaugural community node event beginning in early 2023. This is a dedicated voyage to help you address the transformations occurring in your life and your world with a blossoming crew of people actively embracing their own power and substance in an emerging view of a new civilization. We would love to see you there!

Did you miss it? Check here for the messages transmitted through the world of Fire!

Check back soon for a blessing to the world of Air!



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