Mission & Purpose
The vision of Sacred Row has inspired the launch of a community vessel - a ship - upon which voyagers of all walks of life gather to row together towards a shared destination, goal or belief for as long or short of a time as it serves each individual adventurer. Upon this ship, we celebrate the fact that we can do more together than we might be able to weather alone.
The mission of Sacred Row is to continually uphold the critical virtues that are necessary for a space that assists any person who is on the path of self-discovery and self-expression. We provide a meeting ground for the gypsies, the nomads, the warriors, the healers, the mystics, the poets, the prophets, the hermits, the artisans, the weavers and all others to discover themselves within the world and to spend quality hours within the forge of transformation.
To journey within Sacred Row is to live inside of the undeniable presence of your true nature. To journey within Sacred Row is to practice the art and science of presence for yourself; to open a door for those who have been waiting for you to arrive and offer your guidance and gifts to them; to build your business; to hone your craft; to broaden your network.
Sacred Row serves its community as a platform for people to stand upon when a feeling or an idea becomes so alive within them that they need help anchoring, expanding or expressing what it is that they want to bring into the world. This is a playground for development; a container for making connections within oneself; a vibrant and radically accepting community of character and spirit and we empower the process of integrating the duality of the internal and external relationships that we all balance in Life. This is a ship that runs on authentic and transformative witnessing and celebration.
We invite you - any, every and all of you - to join this adventure with us. This adventure where everyone is welcome, for whatever duration of time serves you, with hearts wide open.
We are in the business of turning Fire into Love. We are honoured to share how we do this, with you.
I am walking into the Light and Sound, the Light and Sound. I am Awakening, right now. Right now.

Message From the Founder
I’d like to begin this note by saying that I consider it a privilege to have the opportunity to explain myself, ever. With that being said, I want to thank you for reading these words and considering it important enough to invest your time in connecting to the reason that this mission exists in the first place.
Sacred Row was born, first from a place of personal expression. It was a creative vision that took my imagination by storm and demanded enough of my attention to merit a visual representation and a unique attitude that could carry the essence of what I had seen.
The vision was this; all of us; every single one of us, is in the same boat.

We acknowledge the ancient keepers, protectors and children of this planet.
We acknowledge the realms of the minerals, plants, animals, humans, spirits and deity.
We acknowledge the threads of fate that weave the tapestry of experience as well as the responsibility of freedom to choose to participate in the weaving.
We bow humbly before the countless beings that have traveled upon this road
and tended to the realms of creation in its infinite expressions.
We bow in service of the necessary efforts that are required to assist in the processes of creation so as to further cultivate a ray of willpower that is pure in its support of life.
We bow in communion with all of those who recognize the importance of synergy and a unified field of resonance amongst sentient beings in fulfilling this mission.
We ask that our efforts in this world may be of ultimate benefit and provide relevant service to the beings and the peoples who have tended to the immediate possibility of this moment.
We ask that our efforts in these realms may be received in coherence and in ultimate cooperation with the efforts of those who serve the growth of the tree of life.
We ask that our efforts be continuously guided by the spirit of collective harmonization and remain adaptable to the laws of change that affect the processes of life.
We vow to be present to the matters of this world with great compassion, reverence and humility as we offer our gifts and efforts to the building of an empowered culture that spans across all ages and encompasses the entirety of this, our shared planet.
We vow to establish an interactive model of communication that values intentional listening, group oriented evolution and optimizing individual opportunities to grow in harmony within the great web of relationships.
We vow to remain integral to all of our statements and commitments to the absolute best of our abilities and to operate as a living embodiment of our highest vision made manifest in our shared world.
We graciously honour our ancestors for blessing us with possibility, and we honour the ancestors whose stories are told amongst us by the stones, trees, rivers and all other beings.
May we all, together, build and sustain the rainbow bridge that connects us eternally in love.